Case Studies
The NBSC Center
Role: Development Management
Project Description: Mixed use multi-tenant retail, banking, and office center in a new-urban village setting Size: 20,000 Square Feet Project Cost: $4,000,000
Challenge: To design a building on the primary corner of a neo-traditional “village” addressing the classic new-urban challenge of pedestrian street-entry versus the rear/remote parking requirements … and the resulting issue of rear entry and façade.
To functionally incorporate future retail, a banking and mortgage center, and executive office seamlessly in a landmark (“Main and Main”) mixed use center.
Outcome: On time and on budget Became the design “template” for over 300,000 Square Feet of additional village development

Wappoo Creek Drive #8
Charleston, South Carolina 29412
Office: 843 762-5715 •
Cell: 843 276-6116